Apply by March 2, 2020!
The Anne Jones Scholarship Fund of the Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU) was established in 2005 to provide four annual educational scholarships totaling $5,500 for students in CAAHEP accredited vascular ultrasound schools.
First presented in June 2006, these scholarships honor the many contributions made to SVU and the vascular technology profession by Anne Jones, RN, BSN RVT RDMS FSVU; former SVU President (1985-1986); former Chair of SVU's Government Relations (now Advocacy) Committee. The Anne Jones Scholarship Fund provides four qualified students with funds toward their education in vascular ultrasound, and encourages them to pursue careers in the field.
SVU members are asked to help support these annual scholarships by contributing to the Anne Jones Scholarship Fund with their annual SVU dues renewal payment, online or directly to SVU, Attn: Anne Jones Scholarships Fund.
Scholarship Details
The Anne Jones Educational Scholarships from SVU will provide one $2,500 grand prize scholarship and three $1,000 scholarships to students in
accredited, dedicated vascular ultrasound technology programs offering an associate degree or a BS degree.
Student applicants for the Anne Jones Scholarships must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Applicant must be enrolled in a CAAHEP accredited program, with a concentration in vascular or non-invasive vascular study. View the complete list of schools. If you feel as though a school has been left off accidentally, please contact SVU.
- Applicant must have a cumulative grade point average of not less than the equivalent of a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
- Applicant has to be a SVU student member in good standing to apply (paid for 2020).
- Applicant shall not have, or subsequently receive, any other scholarship which, when combined with the Anne Jones Scholarship from SVU, would provide a stipend greater than the applicant's tuition plus educational expenses (such as housing, books, lab fees, etc.) estimated by the educational institution the applicant is attending.
- Applicant must be either a United States citizen or a permanent resident of the United States.
- Applicant must not be a previous winner of an Anne Jones Scholarship.
Selection Criteria
The recipients of the Anne Jones Scholarships will be selected on the basis of the following criteria,which are listed below:
GPA: This criterion will be evaluated on the basis of the applicant's grade point average or its equivalent. A grade point average of not less than a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale will be required to be eligible for the scholarship. An
official transcript from the applicant's school must be submitted to the SVU national office for her/him to be eligible for the scholarship.
Essay: In your essay, we encourage you to include your career objectives, why you chose vascular to study, where you see yourself in five years and why you are deserving of this scholarship. Financial need will receive due consideration in the review of the essay. A scholarship applicant must submit a typed essay of up to 500 words. The essay must be submitted with the student’s 2020 Anne Jones Scholarship
Recommendations: Each applicant must include two typed letters of professional recommendation from people who know of her/his commitment to a vascular ultrasound career. Letters of recommendation can be attached to the application or submitted directly from the authors by email to
Extracurricular Activities: Each scholarship applicant's college and community activities, offices, awards, and work experience will receive due consideration by the judging panel as well.
Failure to comply: Should the scholarship recipient withdraw from her/his educational program, be expelled, fail to matriculate, or in any other way fail to comply with the requirements of the scholarship as stated in this document, it shall be the scholarship recipient's responsibility to ensure that all SVU scholarship funds are returned in full to the SVU national office within 90 days of the date of any such action.
The Anne Jones Scholarship Judging Panel consists of the SVU past president and the previous Anne Jones Scholarship winner. The panel will review all application packages and select the 2020 winners based on the above criteria.
How to apply:
2020 Anne Jones Scholarship Application
A completed Anne Jones Scholarship Application (including the student's official school transcript, personal essay, two letters of recommendation, and her/his C.V. or resume) must be sent to the SVU national office for consideration for an Anne Jones Education Scholarship. Students submitting their applications must make arrangements with their school’s program director to have their official school/college transcripts sent directly to the SVU national office. A student should email or mail their scholarship application to the SVU national office. Transcript must be in a sealed envelope and mailed to the SVU office.
The Scholarship Application and requested materials must be sent to the SVU national office by
March 2, 2020. It is the responsibility of the applicant to complete and submit their application package by email or mail to SVU prior to the submission deadline.
By email: By mail to: Society for Vascular Ultrasound
c/o Anne Jones Scholarship Program
4601 Presidents Drive, Suite 260
Lanham, MD 20706-4831
Anne's Background

Anne Jones, born in Winston-Salem, NC, graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a BS degree in Nursing in 1974. From 1974 to 1981, she worked as a nurse in major hospitals in North Carolina. It was during her job as a clinical nurse specialist in the Neurosonology Laboratory at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine that she obtained her first ARDMS credential in 1979 as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS). This was the beginning of a long and strong relationship with the field of vascular technology. Anne obtained her RVT credential from ARDMS in 1983. From 1984-1986 she was Director of New York Medical Imaging and then from 1989-1992 she was Co-Director of the vascular laboratory at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NY. Anne was SVT President in 1985 and was Chair of SVU's Government Relations Committee for several years. She has professional appointments that are too numerous to mention in this article. Her commitment, tenacity and many contributions to the vascular ultrasound profession over the years are matched by few in the profession.
Donate to the Anne Jones Scholarship.