By facilitating contacts with experienced speakers in the vascular ultrasound profession, SVU is offering a significant and positive contribution to interdisciplinary practices. Members of the SVU Speakers Bureau are experienced speakers according to their peers in theory and/or clinical practice on specified vascular ultrasound topics.
Once an organization selects a speaker from SVU’s Speakers Bureau, all speaking details are negotiated solely between the inviting organization and the requested speaker, including travel expenses and any honorarium. SVU is not involved in these negotiations.
The SVU Speakers Bureau currently includes 19 SVU members who have met the requirements of the Speakers Bureau and who are available to discuss various vascular ultrasound topics. Details on the speaker, including their credentials, preferred speaking topics, and phone and email contact information
can be found here. It is anticipated that additional speakers will be added to the SVU Speakers Bureau from time to time.
Vascular ultrasound technologists and physicians interested in joining the SVU Speakers Bureau should contact SVU National Office at
Objectives of the Society for Vascular Ultrasound
The Society for Vascular Ultrasound is the VOICE for the vascular ultrasound profession since 1977. It is our mission to represent the best interests of SVU members and promote quality vascular ultrasound services by providing educational, scientific and literary activities to our members, patients and the public.
By facilitating contact with expert speakers in the vascular ultrasound profession, SVU is offering a significant and positive contribution to interdisciplinary practices. Members of the SVU Speakers Bureau are qualified to speak on select vascular ultrasound topics identified by SVU and are presented as experts on their selected topics according to their peers in theory and/or clinical practice.
SVU's Speakers Bureau Program Outline
- An organization recognizes the need for a vascular ultrasound expert to speak at their upcoming educational meeting.
- They access the SVU Speakers Bureau on the SVU website ( and view the list of available vascular ultrasound speakers. This list includes the speaker's stated expertise in specific vascular testing areas, their geographical location, and contact information.
- An interested conference coordinator should contact a potential speaker directly to interview him/her by phone regarding their stated vascular ultrasound expertise to determine if the selected speaker is the best person to speak at their educational meeting.
- Travel expenses and any honorarium (where applicable) for the speaker will be negotiated solely between the inviting organization and the requested speaker from SVU's Speakers Bureau list. SVU is not involved in this negotiation.
Speaker Participation in SVU Speakers Bureau
Individuals interested in joining the SVU Speakers Bureau should contact the SVU national office.
At minimum, SVU Speakers Bureau participants must:
- Maintain a current membership in the Society for Vascular Ultrasound.
- Have appropriate professional credentials and experience to speak on various ultrasound topics.
- Submit their Curriculum Vitae and three personalized letters of recommendation to the SVU Executive Director at the SVU national office, including at least one letter of recommendation from a current SVU member, contact information, and digital photo. The three letters of recommendation should be from fellow professionals in the vascular ultrasound profession, emphasizing a speaker's stated vascular expertise and qualifications to be on the SVU Speakers Bureau. The interested speaker also should indicate his/her preferred speaking topics from SVU's following list of proposed vascular ultrasound topics.
- Proposed SVU's speaker topics:
SVU will contact each SVU member who submits a letter of recommendation to verify the potential speaker's qualifications to be on the SVU Speakers Bureau.
- Interested Speaker must have made at least 10 vascular ultrasound presentations before SVU, SDMS, SVM, or other national, state or regional vascular ultrasound organizations.
- It is the sole responsibility of the speaker to maintain that s/he has expertise in their proposed speaking topics, and it is the responsibility of the interested organization to talk directly with the potential speaker to make sure s/he fits their speaking needs.
- The SVU Speakers Bureau Committee will review the required elements (Curriculum Vitae, and three letters of recommendation) submitted by a speaker interested in participating in the SVU Speakers Bureau to determine if they are qualified to be on the SVU Speakers Bureau.
- SVU, however, is not able to independently verify the potential speaker's C.V. or specified speaking topics, and plays no role in evaluating a speaker for any outside speaking opportunity.
- If a SVU Speakers Bureau candidate meets all of the basic requirements of the Speakers Bureau and is approved by the SVU Speakers Bureau Subcommittee, his/her name with his/her credentials, photo, location, preferred topics and email/phone contact information will be posted on the SVU website. The SVU Executive Director then will notify the speaker by email of their selection to the SVU Speakers Bureau. All additional communications are then between the requesting organization and the potential speaker.
- SVU reserves the right to remove anyone from the SVU Speakers Bureau at its discretion.
Speakers on SVU's Speakers Bureau are urged to provide a lecture outline, CV and other materials to the sponsoring organization on time for the conference planning and CME application process. Additionally, SVU Speakers Bureau participants are encouraged to use high quality PowerPoint PDF presentations and submit hand-outs of substance to the requesting organization for distribution at their meeting. SVU Speakers Bureau participants also should conform to the faculty requirements of the requesting organization, and maintain a professional appearance, both in dress and in conduct, throughout the event.
SVU Speakers Bureau Promotion
The SVU will actively promote its Speakers Bureau and the available speakers to various organizations via the SVU website, SVU news releases, the e-Spectrum online newsletter; HTML broadcast emails, advertisements in the Journal for Vascular Ultrasound (JVU) and other communication resources. Promotion of the Speakers Bureau on the SVU website ( includes a posted list of available speakers with their photos; a list of vascular topics that the speaker maintains is in their realm of expertise, and their individual email and phone contact information. Announcements on the availability of the SVU Speakers Bureau will be made at SVU-sponsored educational meetings, at the SVU Annual Conference, to SVU affiliated chapters, to other healthcare related organizations, and on the SVU website and in the monthly e-Spectrum newsletter.
SVU Disclaimer of Liability
The views and opinions expressed in any presentation are solely those of the speaker and do not represent the position or opinion of the Society for Vascular Ultrasound, its Board of Directors, or of any SVU affiliated chapter. SVU accepts no responsibility for an organization's use of a SVU Speakers Bureau speaker; the agreement and implementation is solely between the speaker and the requesting organization.