Are you looking for earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) locally? Do you learn best in-person, by doing, seeing and talking with others?
Look no further than SVU! Below you will find multiple ways to earn CME close to where you live and work.
Regional Meetings
SVU is actively seeking local Program Directors to coordinate Regional Meetings across the country. Regional meetings are short educational courses—typically an evening, half day, or full day-- for CME credit. Program Directors, often supported by a Program Committee, construct the program agenda and secure speakers, while the SVU coordinates venue, vendors, marketing, registration, contracts, insurance and logistics for the event. Being a Program Director is a great way to increase your visibility within the profession, demonstrate your leadership to your workplace, create a valuable educational forum, and cultivate a network of influential peers. The duration of your commitment is limited – once the meeting has ended and the final paperwork sent off to SVU, you’re done! Typically the time horizon from inception to meeting is about six-eight months. The best Regional Meetings take place around the same time every year, with a blended team of experienced hands and new comers joining together to create a successful event.
If you are interested in launching a Regional Meeting as a Program Director, please take a look at the following information package for new Program Directors (coming soon), and/or reach out to Meetings Committee Chair Jill Sommerset. The Meetings Committee will guide you through the process and help you along the way. Your success—a successful meeting -- is our goal. If you already have some dates in mind and ideas for topics, please submit through our Volunteer Module and we will be in touch within 72 hours.
If you're interested in exhibiting at or sponsoring a Regional Meeting, click here.
CME for educational events at your lab, clinic or hospital !
CME can be awarded for many educational events at the local level, as long as the following types of activities meet ACCME criteria. Please download the CME Information Kit for complete details and fees.
CME offerings from SVU Independent Affiliates
Many cities, states or regions within the US support their own professional societies for vascular technologists. These Independent Affiliates are entirely separate organizations from SVU, each with their own Board of Directors and conducting their own activities. Independent Affiliates can coordinate with SVU for the awarding of Continuing Medical Education credits for local meetings.
Affiliates also often collaborate with SVU on policy issues of common concern such as state licensure legislation or federal CMS reimbursements or workplace issues such as muscular skeletal injuries.