The Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU) offers a wide array of marketing vehicles to help promote your product or service. Reach all 6,200+ members (80% technologists, 20% physicians) through print, digital advertising, sponsorship or mailing list rental, or, showcase your product or service at our Annual Conference & Exposition, and SVU regional courses. Our advertising and exhibits team will be happy to explain the options and help you develop an effective strategy.
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SVU Journal for Vascular Ultrasound

The Journal for Vascular Ultrasound (JVU) is published quarterly and is the official journal of the Society. Each issue consists of original scientific and educational articles, case studies, book reviews, technical reviews, ultrasound principle reviews, viewpoints, letters to the editor and CME tests. Regular reading of JVU will keep you current in your field and provide essential information that can be applied in your practice.
SVU Advertising Disclaimer SVU legal counsel advises that periodicals and journals have no legal duty, responsibility or obligation to investigate, verify, vouch for, authenticate, or confirm the accuracy and truthfulness of paid advertisements they run in their publication. Courts recognize that imposing such a burden on publishers would be onerous and impossible for them to meet. SVU’s ethical duty does not extend to investigating the accuracy and truthfulness of any paid advertisement. SVU publishes a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, Journal for Vascular Ultrasound, for the benefit of its members and others practicing the specialty of vascular ultrasound, and this benefit is largely made possible by paid advertising.