Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation™ (RPVI) Exam Review Course
The Vascular Surgery Board of the American Board of Surgery (VSB-ABS) requires all physicians applying for the Vascular Surgery Qualifying Exam to hold the RPVI™ credential.

Spring 2020 Course Information
Earn up to 15.75 CME Credits!
April 24-25, 2020
Medical University of South Carolina, Thurmond-Gazes Cardiac Research Building, Charleston, SC
This 2-day advanced course is an in-depth review for physicians planning to sit for the ARDMS® Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI™) Certification Exam. Physicians passing the exam will receive the RPVI™ credential from ARDMS®. This course will focus on reviewing the required vascular physics and interpretation skills as specified by the exam content outline, including case-based test question simulation.
View faculty.
Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Demonstrate advanced interpretation skills for various noninvasive tests including abdominal, arterial, venous, and cerebrovascular studies
Formulate a better understanding of ultrasound physics concepts and their application to the field of vascular diagnostics
Pass the ARDMS Registered Physician Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) Certification Exam
Physicians planning to test for the RPVI™ Certification Exam
Physicians (including but not limited to: vascular surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists, neurologists) who want to specialize in vascular ultrasound
Physicians desiring to review and improve their vascular laboratory interpretation skills
Physicians who require AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™
Vascular technologists who want to be challenged in the vascular field and need additional CMEs
This course is PAPERLESS This means that we will not be distributing a printed syllabus at this course. All registrants will be given online access to each submitted speaker’s available presentations during the course. Some sessions may not have handouts as some presenters may elect not to allow their presentations to be distributed. Attendees are urged to bring a laptop to view the presentations during the course. Power strips will be available.