SVU 2020 Central Region Vascular Meeting
November 14, 2020
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel & The Lawrenceburg Event Center
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Earn up to 6.5 SVU CME (Pending) credits! Continental breakfast and lunch is included. Only 100 seats are available!
Plan to attend this one-day conference, covering loads of vascular topics to help improve lab efficiency and much more. In addition, there will be a technical showcase where you will be able to review the latest advancements in technology and software. This course is in your backyard and you will not want to miss it!
Registration Fees
Before October 14
After October 14 |
$65 |
$115 |
$35 |
Download registration form to fax or mail in with a check
Register Now!
Cancellations & Refunds: All requests for refunds and cancellations must be in writing and sent to the SVU national office via email, fax or mail. We will not accept phone cancellations. Refund requests received before October 14, 2020 are subject to a $15 cancellation fee. No refund will be given after October 14, 2020; only a credit will be given toward a future SVU Central Region meeting within 12 months.
Central Region 2020 Program -- TBD
Listed below are just some of the great topics from the 2019 Central Region meeting:
Ultrasound Guided Access for PAD/CLI Interventions and On the Table Decision Making
Common Complications from the Cath Lab: Pseudos and AVFs
Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome; what’s that?
Non-Compressible Filling Defects: A Retrospective Look at Incidents of Propagation in Isolated, Calf Vein Thrombus in the ICU Patient Population
Usual and Unique Types of Hemodialysis Access
Carotid Body Tumors
Hemodialysis Access: Overview of Anatomy and Imaging Protocols
The Art of Ultrasound: Image Optimization Matters
Complications and Abnormal Findings: From a Diagnostic to Intervention Perspective
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel & The Lawrenceburg Event Center
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Event:Take a virtual tour of the conference center and surrounding area.
Cost to exhibit (table-top displays), is only $1,000. Vendors will receive:
- Name displayed on the Welcome screen when attendees arrive
- Free admission to sessions and CME
- Continental breakfast, lunch and snack
- One table, two chairs
Once again we will have a "New Technology" Vendor Showcase. Attendees will be divided into groups and each group will rotate through the vendors, spending ten minutes at each booth. This has been a huge success in the past and highly rated among attendees.
Are you interested in exhibiting? Please contact SVU at 301-459-7550 or Scott for more information or download the contract to submit.
Current 2020 Exhibitors