Here at the Society for Vascular Ultrasound, we LOVE our volunteers!
Volunteers are integral to SVU's success. Our goal with our new volunteer management system is to capture all of our volunteer opportunities and establish a simple process for engaging volunteers.
The ideal life cycle of a volunteer starts with small tasks and virtual participation to working all the way up to committee and leadership positions.
With the use of our new system we will be able to encourage volunteerism at all levels by using an intuitive system that makes it easy to define roles, post volunteer positions, track participation and reward engagement.
Opting In to the SVU Volunteer Pool
Being part of the SVU Volunteer Pool means that you are interested in learning about future volunteer opportunities available through SVU. When you're opted into the pool, you will receive email alerts as soon as a new opportunity opens up that matches your qualifications and interests.
Opting In is easy- with one click, you are added to SVU's Pool of Volunteers. This means that when new opportunities come up, you'll be the first to learn about them. Once opted in, you can of course suspend your opt-in request at any time. Just set the Invite me to volunteer when opportunities match my expertise? toggle from 'Yes to 'No' on your volunteer profile to no longer receive invitations.
Click here to opt in to the Volunteer Pool
Your Volunteer Profile
Completing your volunteer profile will help us know what kind of volunteer opportunities you are interested in. You can also opt out of receiving any future communications about opportunities from your volunteer profile.
Complete your Volunteer Profile so that we can match you with future volunteer opportunities for which you are both qualified and interested.
Open Opportunities
Check out and consider volunteering for the opportunities now open! The full listing of volunteer posting is available through the Volunteer Opportunities List.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on what you would like to see included in this system please contact us.
We hope you find the system simple and easy to use. Happy Volunteering!